After living in the city for 45 years and spending the last 18 in suburbia, my husband and I decided to buy some land and move out to the country. We loved raising our kids in Westfield. Good school system. Lots of other kids. Our kids could learn how to ride bikes on sidewalks. They could go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood on Halloween. Ride the school bus with lots of friends.
I was lucky enough to live less than a mile from my very best friend. My village. It truly does take a village to raise four kids and a husband and 2 Great Danes. But when the youngest two went off to college, we were all alone. My husband and I no longer needed the village. Now we live on 5 acres out in the country. No village to rely on, only us.
What’s to come
This blog will be about our life as new empty nesters. The time in your life when you are no longer feeding families of six or driving kids to parties. No longer dividing and conquering the band concert and basketball games that are on the same night. We are discovering new things and re-discovering old things we had forgotten about. And maybe teaching each other some things while we’re at it.
Neither one of us has ever done this before, living in this empty nest.
We are learning as we go, together.